Giving Voice Gathers in Chicago

Sixty-two Sisters under 50 years old traveled to St. Xavier University, Chicago, for the Giving Voice National Gathering entitled “Being Seeds of Encounter and Communion” June 13–16. Five Dominican Sisters were present on this joy-filled encounter, including Christin Tomy, OP; Siobhan Burroughs, OP; Angela Thanh (novice, Mission San Jose); Shingai Chigwedere (novice, Peace); and Xiomara Méndez Hernández, OP (Adrian). Christin shared her reflection on “Spiritual Aspects of Gardening and Planting.” Siobhan was the preacher for the Saturday Vigil Liturgy, and Shingai joined a group of African Sisters during the liturgical dance. The space was filled with laughter, profound conversations, meaningful prayers and rituals, and much sisterly love. Indeed, this was an experience of what a “Beloved Community” looks and feels like. There is so much hope for the present and future of religious life!

From left: Dominican Sisters Siobhan Burroughs, Christin Tomy, Xiomara Hernandez, Shingai Chigwedere, and Angela Thanh at the Giving Voice gathering.